C_Net News20210702◇Simultaneous operation of "WMS and AI-OCR" system at Gion! Things I think about | 倉庫管理/WMS 株式会社シーネット(C_Net)


2000年07月02日 C_Net News20210625◇How to use the No.1 WMS market share, CNET, 10 sessions

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This is Maiko of C_Net Corporation, Sales Planning.

We recently sent out a press release about the simultaneous operation of WMS and AI-OCR at Gion Corporation.


I would like to write about what I think about the system integration of "WMS x AI-OCR" as you can read the details here.

The term "DX" has permeated the logistics industry, and efforts to achieve it are attracting attention.

However, the truth is that simply introducing a system is not enough to call it DX.

I feel that the term "DX" is leading the way, but I think the first prerequisite is to use the power of IT to save labor without putting your shoulder to the wheel.

And then use the free time to reform operations and launch new businesses...
Isn't that what DX is all about?

Gion decided to implement a WMS to eliminate delivery defects (shipping errors) and improve work quality.
However, since a huge amount of manual input work was required to create the inbound and outbound schedule data, C_Net built a system that linked WMS with AI-OCR@YOMU, which can convert paper into data and text.

This eliminates the time spent on manual data entry, and we are pleased to say that the creation of the warehouse schedule data can now be completed in just 15 minutes.

At the moment, they are working on the next task to make the system work better.
The introduction of the system has raised the awareness of the staff, and they are using a lot of feedback from the field as hints.

I think that this is exactly where our efforts toward DX are beginning and progressing.


I would like to hear more in-depth stories from Master Gion.

If I hear anything good, I'll be sure to share it with you.

See you in the next issue!




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