C_Net News20210625◇How to use the No.1 WMS market share, CNET, 10 sessions | 倉庫管理/WMS 株式会社シーネット(C_Net)


2000年06月25日 C_Net News20210625◇How to use the No.1 WMS market share, CNET, 10 sessions

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!
This is Maiko of C_Net Corporation, Sales Planning.

I would like to enjoy communicating with you, my readers, through this newsletter.

Every day, I try to think of ways to get to know you better, because I believe that it is important for me to send out information and get to know the issues that logistics companies are facing.

This time, I would like to introduce you to one of my efforts, the step-by-step mail service.

How to use C_Net, the No. 1 WMS in the world" (10 articles)

In this series of 10 e-mails, we will introduce to those of you who are not yet familiar with CNET, what we think is the necessity of WMS and our success stories.

If you are interested, please sign up.

▼ Click here to register. ▼
How to use C_Net, the No. 1 WMS in the world" (10 articles)

You may find out something about C_Net that you didn't know before!

One more thing to let you know....
Since yesterday, I have been sending out e-mails to all of you informing you about the e-mail newsletter delivery stand.

Since we have limited the speed of delivery to ensure that everyone receives it, some of you may receive it late or at a time other than business hours.

I have only been in charge of this newsletter for a short time, but I am conscious of delivering the information that readers want, when they want it, and in a fresh way.

I would like to try this and that for this purpose, so please keep me posted.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
See you in the next issue.




受付時間 平日9:00~17:15(※土日祝除く)




所在地 〒261-0023 千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬 1丁目 3

建物名 幕張テクノガーデンB棟11 階

アクセス JR海浜幕張 徒歩3分